When Did Happiness Get So Complicated?

Let me guess what you're thinking (because I would be too):

What?!?! Another website about happiness? Seriously? What for?

So - just search on "Happiness" on Amazon.Today, I saw: 603,506 results for "happiness"

What? It's enough to make you want to give up before you start. Plus, some of these books are, like, 300+ pages long? Who the heck has the time to read all that?

When did happiness get so, well, discouraging?

Sometimes the short and sweet piece of advice is the one that gets to you. That's how it has been for me, and so I want to share these easier steps with you, in bite-size chunks that nourish anyway.

I’m no expert, if a graduate degree in happiness matters to you.  But my story so far, like yours, includes both heartbreak and healing - and happiness as a choice. So many people have asked me for advice about this, and have also shared some - and so this blog was born.

First of all - the choice of the word Happier. Not Happiness, but just - happier. Why? Because no one is happy all of the time. Nor should that be the goal. There is no emotion without contrast. But - can we be happier? Sure! We can increase the amount of happy thoughts, happy moments, happy talk.

Here's my promise for this blog:

  • no post over 900 words long. But I will aim for even shorter.

  • approachable language and stories that are easy to digest

  • simple steps that work, including shortcut word substitutions.

  • Sharing the Seven "Moment Mantras" that can guide you. They spell out the word "BREATHE"

So - I leave you with that. BREATHE. I don't know about you, but I can't meditate to save my life. But we all can stop and breathe. Just stop and take one mindful breath, and feel the connection. Take a few. It's a first step to happier.

Randye Kaye

Randye Kaye is a world-renowned female voice talent for business and beyond. She is the author of two books; Happier Made Simple™ and Ben Behind His Voices. As an actress she has appeared in numerous theatrical, film and television performances. Randye is a keynote speaker on the topics of mental health, communication, and happiness.


The Five Phrases to Ignore, for a Happier Life